Monday, March 3, 2025

Return to Reelfoot

It's almost become a running gag at this point that we can't seem to figure out what to do on these school if they haven't been on the calendar all year. But once again we found ourselves staring at a glorious break from work and school without a clue what to do with it. 

Jon and I came up with a couple of ideas for spring break, but the kids were the ones who ultimately decided. When given the choice of where to go and what to do, they enthusiastically proclaimed without hesitation, "Let's go to Reelfoot!" And so, to Reelfoot we went.

We first traveled to Reelfoot in February 2020, blissfully unaware of what the coming months--and years--would look like. Erik was a tiny baby on that trip, so it was time to go back to the beautiful area just a short two hours up the road.

This time, however, rather than stay in a house on the lake, Jon booked a fishing package complete with cabin, boat rental, and bait with the hopes that our nightly dinners would be caught earlier in the day. Spoiler alert: we instead learned that the nearby lodge served a great meal.

The first item of business upon arrival was to take part in the "Real Foot Challenge," which consists of dipping one's toes in the chilly lake water. Last time I was able to use Baby Erik as an excuse not to participate, but this time, all five of us took the (mini) plunge. I have to say, it was actually quite refreshing.

All smiles before the challenge

We are clearly not serious fishermen/women as we were slow getting going the next morning. The pull of sleeping in and watching Bluey on the "rustic" cabin's giant TV was just too strong. But we did take the boat out and had just that: a nice boat trip. We did get some nibbles, and we did actually catch one fish early on, giving us a false hope that we would be reeling them in all day. Technically, I was the one who caught the fish, and I don't feel boastful admitting it because just a few minutes later I literally spun out of my chair and fell on the bottom of the boat...much to the delight and laughter of my children.

Jon really enjoyed taking the boat out, and once the kids got used to it, they did as well. They even got to drive a little on the open water, which was lots of fun. It really was a great day on the water--minus the not catching many fish part. Jon and Erik decided to try their luck again in the afternoon while the girls and I drove into town for provisions, but alas, no more fish.


The next day was more of the same. Fun, but no fish. Jon decided to get serious, so on Wednesday, he and Erik woke up early and were on the water shortly after seven. The girls were more than happy to snuggle in bed a little longer, and I was fine with sharing the glory that is 1980s American Gladiator reruns.

What the boys were doing...

What the girls were doing...

The boys returned unsuccessful and hungry, but we did salvage the day by going to Discovery Park, quite possibly the most eclectic museum/science center ever. Once again, it did not disappoint, and we easily spent the day both indoors and out checking out exhibits ranging from military vehicles to dinosaurs to farm equipment to a hedgerow maze.

Learning with a side of shenanigans

And then it was time to return to Memphis...with the most expensive fish fillet packed carefully in the cooler. But before we left, we made a quick stop at the Reelfoot Lake Visitor Center and got to see some of the eagles the region is known for. So, despite our lack of planning, it was another wonderful family adventure.

Our little eagles in their nests

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