Sunday, March 8, 2020

A Real Good Time at Reelfoot Lake

Erik's First Vacation!

I wrote about our latest adventure to Reelfoot Lake and Discovery Park for the Memphis Moms Blog, which you can find here. However, for this blog, I wanted to share a little bit more, including some fun pictures of our crew on Erik's first vacation.

Some highlights:

*The girls were "high on vacation," immediately making themselves at home in the cabin, which included jumping on all the beds (oops) and warming up in front of the heater, literally named "Mr. Heater."

*Rather than notice and appreciate the scenery around them, the girls spent our hike "ice fishing" with sticks they picked up along the way. Oh well, they had fun!

*Jon came up with the "Real Foot Challenge," which consisted of dipping one's toes in the chilly waters of the lake. There were many squeals and much laughter, but I'm still glad I elected to be the photographer and not a participant.

The lake was "real cold"
*We fully indoctrinated the girls into the magic of the skillet cookie, thanks to a fun heart-shaped skillet from Grandma.

Honorary members of Team Skillet Cookie

And now some (more) photos:

Home Sweet Home for the weekend

Watching for eagles

In two places at one time!

Discovery Park:

Erik was there, too

We are already itching to get back on the road on our next adventure!


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