Sunday, May 3, 2009

A “His, Hers and Ours” Weekend: His

What better way to start the weekend than getting up at 5 a.m.? Getting up at 5 a.m. and going fishing! That’s right, April 25 was opening day of lowland lakes fishing season, a subject of great anticipation for many in the Northwest. For those Midwesterners reading this, this is a big deal for several reasons: 1. Trout are dumb and delicious. Like cows, except harder to catch. 2. The dumb trout get caught first. 3. If you don’t have a line in the water by 6 a.m., all the dumb trout will be caught by someone else and you will not catch anything this morning, today, or all summer long. So for this reason, we drove 100 miles to my Dad’s house, woke up before dawn, and putted around the lake in the rain in an effort to catch something with a brain the size of a marble. (Yes, that actually is a car in the photo!) As (beginner’s) luck would have it, Kristin caught two rainbow trout! Turns out the trout liked worms better than lures on opening day and stuck twice for her. She got one 9” and one 12” trout.

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